Piece-Rate Work: What Is It and When Is It Legal?
A recent wave of class action lawsuits filed in California alleges that the piece-rate method of paying employees violates federal and state wage and hour laws.
A recent wave of class action lawsuits filed in California alleges that the piece-rate method of paying employees violates federal and state wage and hour laws.
Across the United States, it's common for employers to ask potential employees about their criminal histories. This may be done for a variety of reasons
It might sound ridiculous – many certainly thought so – but last fall a lawsuit was filed by certain Yelp reviewers who claimed they should be paid for their work.
Federal Judge Lucy Koh surprised a lot of people last week when she denied plaintiffs' request to approve a $324.5 million settlement that would put an end to the Silicon
At the end of July, President Obama made headlines by signing into law an executive order protecting the rights of gay and transgender federal contractors to be free from
Earlier this month, a federal judge in Philadelphia ruled that RadioShack violated Pennsylvania law by using the 'fluctuating workweek' method of calculating overtime.
Earlier this month, the capital cities of several European countries were brought to a standstill by protests.
Last month, a federal appellate court ruled in Fernando Ruiz v. Affinity Logistics Corporation that a California trucking company misclassified its drivers as independent
You might not have seen it in the news this week, but two very similar cases had significant developments. Family Dollar Stores Inc. agreed to pay around $1.15 million
Cases involving allegations of discrimination are, sadly, fairly common. Cases involving the executive editor of the New York Times, however, are not.