Port-a-Cath Lawsuits: Lawyers Handling Cases for Infections, Fractures and More

Last Updated on September 20, 2024

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone who suffered complications from a port-a-cath, as well as family members acting on their behalf.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with ClassAction.org are looking to file lawsuits alleging certain port-a-caths were defectively designed and left patients vulnerable to catheter fracture, infection and other injuries. If you or a loved one was injured from an implanted chest or chemo port, you may be able to sue the manufacturer for medical bills and more.
What You Can Do
If you want to learn more about your eligibility for a lawsuit, fill out the form on this page or keep reading for more information. It doesn’t cost anything to get in touch or to speak to someone about your rights.
How Could a Lawsuit Help Me?
A lawsuit could help you and your family recover money for medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and suffering, and funeral costs (in the event of death). Multiple lawsuits against the same manufacturer may also pressure the company into redesigning or recalling its port-a-caths.
What Will a Lawyer Cost Me?
If your attorney does not win your case, you won’t pay. If they win your lawsuit, they will collect a percentage of your settlement or jury award.

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