Securities Class Action Centers on How Whistleblower Revelations Allegedly Harmed Facebook Share Prices
October 29, 2021 Facebook faces a class action over a number of stock-price drops allegedly linked to recent whistleblower revelations.
October 29, 2021 Facebook faces a class action over a number of stock-price drops allegedly linked to recent whistleblower revelations.
July 8, 2021 Former President Donald Trump has filed separate class actions against Twitter, YouTube, Facebook over what he alleges to be the tech giants’ “impermissible censorship.”
December 9, 2020 Facebook faces an antitrust class action that alleges the social media giant has wielded harvested user data and "acquire, copy and kill" tactics to squash competition.
September 18, 2020 A class action claims Instagram, in contrast to its privacy assurances, has "constantly" accessed users' smartphone cameras while the app is open, and monitored the individuals without consent.
August 13, 2020 A class action claims Facebook has illegally harvested the facial scans of more than 100 million Instagram users, including those protected by an Illinois privacy law.
August 19, 2019 A proposed class action out of California alleges Facebook’s advertising platform violates the Fair Housing Act by allowing advertisers and publishers to discriminatorily exclude protected classes of people from seeing ads for their properties.
December 19, 2018 A class action filed over Facebook's allegedly secret location tracking has been reassigned from a magistrate judge to a California district court judge.
November 26, 2018 A Texas man claims Facebook sent him at least 25 unsolicited text messages without first obtaining prior express consent to do so.
October 22, 2018 A lawsuit claims Facebook ignores users' requests to keep their location histories private and instead tracks precise location details anyway.
May 18, 2018 A proposed class action claims Facebook and Cambridge Analytica may have put social media users' information at a heightened risk of identity theft without their knowledge or consent.
May 1, 2018 Facebook, Inc. is facing a proposed class action lawsuit after allegedly failing to prevent or warn users of a data mining scandal in which their information was reportedly stolen and used to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
April 16, 2018 Yet another proposed class action lawsuit has been filed against Facebook, Inc. and Cambridge Analytica over the companies’ roles in the misuse of user data.
April 11, 2018 Litigation against Facebook and Cambridge Analytica over the later's election-influencing data harvesting shows no sign of slowing down.
April 6, 2018 Two more plaintiffs seek answers about Facebook, Inc.'s failure to keep a close enough eye on user information and its accessibility to third parties.
April 2, 2018 Facebook and Cambridge Analytica are among four defendants in another case over the harvesting of the social media platform's users' data without consent.
March 28, 2018 Facebook now stares down a lawsuit claiming its acquisition and storage of users' and non-users' biometric facial data violates an Illinois privacy statute.
March 27, 2018 A new lawsuit claims Facebook violated CA law in failing to notify its users their data had been compromised by 'co-conspirators' as far back as 2014.
March 23, 2018 Filed in Illinois, the latest case against Facebook, its founder, and Cambridge Analytica claims the social media platform was aware users' data was being harvested.