Hurricane Maria, Irma Victims Filing Lawsuits for Underpaid Insurance Claims

Last Updated on September 23, 2019

Investigation Complete

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone in the U.S. Virgin Islands who submitted an insurance claim for property damage following Hurricane Maria or Hurricane Irma.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with have reason to believe these insurance claims are being drastically underpaid – and that policyholders have a short window of time to take action and recover the money they’re owed.
How Long Do I Have?
Not long. Depending on the specifics of your claim, you may have to take action by a certain date in September 2019 before you will become barred from ever going after your insurer over the underpayment of your hurricane claim.
What If I Signed a Release?
That’s OK! Attorneys working with believe that these release waivers are illegal and will not bar people from filing claims for more money.
What Does This Cost?
It doesn’t cost anything to contact us or to speak to one of the attorneys we work with. Plus, if the attorney doesn’t win your case, you don’t have to pay his or her fees.