Lawsuits Being Filed for Obliterative Bronchiolitis (“Popcorn Lung”)

Last Updated on July 24, 2019

Investigation Complete

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone who was diagnosed with obliterative bronchiolitis, a permanent and rare form of lung disease.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with believe that people suffering from obliterative bronchiolitis may be able to sue for medical bills, physical pain and other damages related to their diagnoses.
Is This the Same Thing as Popcorn Lung?
Essentially, yes. Obliterative bronchiolitis is sometimes referred to as “popcorn lung,” a nickname given to the condition after eight workers at a microwave popcorn facility were diagnosed with the disease.
What Causes Obliterative Bronchiolitis?
One of the main causes of obliterative bronchiolitis are fumes from diacetyl, a chemical used to flavor food and other products including popcorn, caramel and e-cigarettes.