V8 Juice Blends Not as Healthy as Advertised Given Sugar Content, Class Action Says
Yoshida et al. v. Campbell Soup Company
Filed: December 7, 2021 ◆§ 3:21-cv-09458
A class action alleges V8-brand juice blends made by Campbell Soup Company have been falsely advertised.
California Business and Professions Code California Unfair Competition Law California Consumers Legal Remedies Act
A proposed class action alleges V8-brand fruit and vegetable juice blends have been falsely advertised in that consumers are not warned that the sugar content of the purportedly healthy products increases the risk of metabolic, cardiovascular and liver diseases and obesity, among other conditions.
The 34-page complaint against defendant Campbell Soup Company contends that at least 17 varieties of V8 fruit and vegetable blends have been deceptively marketed on the back of “false and misleading claims” with regard to the products’ ostensibly “healthy” nature. More specifically, Campbell’s claim that the juice blends can “Boost Your Morning Nutrition” is misleading in that certain critical information about the potentially harmful effects of sugar consumption is intentionally left undisclosed to consumers, the case claims.
“Because scientific evidence demonstrates that, due its high free sugar content, juice consumption is associated with increased risk of metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, obesity, high blood triglycerides and cholesterol, hypertension, and all-cause mortality, Campbell’s representation that the Juice Blends ‘Boost Your Morning Nutrition’ is false, or at least highly misleading,” the lawsuit alleges.
According to the suit, metabolic disease has been linked to high blood fats and triglycerides, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and excess body fat. The case also states that the increased risk of cardiovascular conditions has been linked to the consumption of added sugar in juice and sugar-sweetened beverages.
Campbell’s, the lawsuit says, knows or has reason to know that the “healthy” representations on the labels of its V8 juice blends are designed to appeal to consumers’ interests in health foods, and likely to increase sales and profits. According to the filing, the standard 8 fl. oz. serving size for the V8 juice blends at issue contains between 10 and 28 grams of sugar, contributing to between 67 and 93 percent of the product’s calories.
The case goes on to allege that although it represents that V8 juice blends will “boost” a consumer’s morning nutrition, Campbell’s does not disclose the dangers associated with the consumption of free sugars. Essentially, Campbell’s is revealing only some information about the juice blends despite being in a superior position to know of the detrimental health consequences of sugar consumption, the suit attests.
Campbell’s labeling of the V8 juice blends moreover violates California and federal food labeling regulations, the plaintiffs say.
The lawsuit looks to cover all consumers in California who, at any time within the last four years and until the time a class is notified, bought any variety of V8 juice blend for personal or household use.
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