Nassau County (NY) Facing FLSA Class Action Lawsuit
Last Updated on May 8, 2018
Chodkowski et al v. County of Nassau et al
Filed: October 19, 2016 ◆§ 2:16-cv-05770
New York's Nassau County, its police department and the Nassau County Civil Service Commission have been hit with a class action.
New York’s Nassau County, its police department and the Nassau County Civil Service Commission have been hit with a class action alleging that, in addition to failing to pay proper overtime wages, the entities pay female workers less than they do males who perform the same work. The case was filed by individuals formerly employed as Police Communications Operators (PCOs), a role responsible for receiving 911 emergency calls and dispatching aid as necessary, and a PCO Supervisor.
According to court documents, the work schedule for this position consists of a seven-week tour cycle, with six of which made up of three 12-hour shifts per week. In the seventh week, the workers were required to work four 12-hour shifts, with the extra workday classified as a “Supplemental Day.” The crux of the suit, the complaint shows, is that the employees were not paid appropriately for this seventh week, during which they worked more than 40 hours.
The female plaintiffs allege they were not paid as much as their male counterparts who essentially perform the same job duties as Fire Communication Technicians and Fire Communication Supervisors as mandated by a 1999 case ruling (Ebbert v Nassau County).
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