Lawsuits for Immigrant Healthcare Workers: Not Allowed to Quit?

Last Updated on September 6, 2024

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Foreign healthcare workers who were recruited to work in the U.S. under contracts that required them to pay high fees if they quit their jobs or prohibited them from working somewhere else.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys believe some companies may be violating the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) by requiring immigrant healthcare workers to sign restrictive contracts that penalize them for leaving their jobs. They’re now investigating whether class action lawsuits can be filed on behalf of workers.
How Could a Lawsuit Help?
A class action lawsuit could help immigrant healthcare workers recover money for any harm they experienced as a result of these potentially illegal contracts, such as lost wages and emotional distress.
What You Can Do
If you’re an immigrant healthcare worker who was told you can’t leave your job without paying fees or immigration costs, or that you won’t be able to work somewhere else if you leave, fill out the form on this page to help the investigation.

The information submitted on this page will be forwarded to Berger Montague who has sponsored this investigation.

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