Restaurant and Bar Loss of Business Lawsuits
Last Updated on January 20, 2022
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The BP oil spill along the Gulf of Mexico has not only threatened the commercial fishing industry, but also the restaurants and bars which depend on seafood for a large portion of their profits. As a result of the oil spill, restaurants that serve fish, crabs and other seafood may be forced to raise their prices, lay off workers or close down entirely.
If your bar or restaurant lost profits due to the oil spill, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses.
Restaurants, Bars Suffer Loss of Business Due to Oil Spill
The effect of the Gulf oil spill on sea life will range from immediate to the long-term and many researchers have been forced to deal with the disaster as it unfolds, as the impact of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is virtually unprecedented. It is predicted that the oil spill may force many restaurants along the Gulf Coast to import seafood, including lobsters, from the East Coast at inflated prices. Many of these businesses will be unable to import as much fresh product as they are accustomed to serving and, if fish estuaries in the Gulf are damaged, a shortage of fresh seafood is likely to result. Additionally, this increased demand could raise seafood prices across the nation.
Restaurant owners have also commented that consumer concerns over the safety of seafood might extend beyond the actual contamination. In fact, many restaurateurs have reportedly seen a decline in business because consumers believe that the seafood is either contaminated or not being served due to the oil spill. If your restaurant or bar lost business due to the oil spill, you may be able to file an oil spill claim and collect monetary damages for lost profits.
Can I File a Restaurant Loss of Business Lawsuit?
If you own or work in a restaurant or bar that has been negatively impacted by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, you may be entitled to compensation. Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, businesses and workers who suffer monetary losses due to an oil spill can file a lawsuit to recover lost income or profits. Two shrimpers have already filed a loss of business lawsuit and the number of oil spill claims being filed on behalf of businesses and employees impacted by the oil spill is expected to increase.
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