Lawsuit Investigation: Do Your Feminine Wipes Contain Toxic PFAS Chemicals?

Last Updated on July 2, 2024

Investigation Complete

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone who purchased any of the feminine wipes listed on this page.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with have reason to suspect that these wipes may contain chemicals known as “PFAS.” They are now looking into whether a class action lawsuit can be filed on behalf of consumers who purchased the wipes in question.
What Are PFAS?
The term PFAS refers to a group of 9,000+ manmade chemicals that are used in a wide range of industrial and consumer products for their ability to resist heat, water and more. Exposure to PFAS has been linked to certain types of cancer, reproductive effects and increased cholesterol levels.
How Could a Class Action Lawsuit Help?
A class action lawsuit, if filed and successful, could help consumers get back some of the money they spent on the wipes. It could also force the manufacturers to remove certain advertising claims and even implement changes to their manufacturing processes.