Lawsuit Investigation: Did Everyday Health Share Your Medical Information with Meta?

Last Updated on June 21, 2023

Investigation Complete

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone who registered for an account on or subscribed to its newsletter, app or health courses and has an active Facebook account.
What’s Going On?
It’s believed that Everyday Health may have secretly collected its subscribers’ medical and personal information through website tracking tools and shared this data with Meta. Attorneys are now gathering users of the website to potentially take action against Everyday Health Group.
What Am I Signing Up For?
You’re signing up to participate in “mass arbitration,” which is different than traditional class action litigation. Mass arbitration, however, similarly allows a large group of people to seek compensation and other relief from a company over an alleged wrongdoing.
How Much Money Could I Get?
While there are no guarantees, those who participate in the mass arbitration could be entitled to thousands of dollars.
Does It Cost Anything to Sign Up?
It costs nothing to sign up. Plus, the attorneys will only get paid if they win your claim. This money will come as a percentage of your award.