Legal Investigation: Is Sharing Users’ Private Data with Facebook?

Last Updated on December 7, 2023

Investigation Complete

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone with a CBS account who watched videos on and also has a Facebook account.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with have reason to believe that CBS owner Paramount may have used a tracking tool called the Meta pixel on to collect accountholders’ information – including which videos they watch – and secretly share it with Facebook. Now, the attorneys are looking to start a mass arbitration against Paramount over potential privacy violations.
Is This a Lawsuit?
No, mass arbitration takes place outside of court and involves hundreds or thousands of consumers filing individual arbitration claims against the same company at the same time over an alleged wrongdoing.
What Could I Get?
While nothing is guaranteed, it’s possible that those who sign up could be entitled to up to $2,500.