Multiple Insufficient Funds Fees? Banks Under Investigation

Last Updated on September 20, 2024

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects
Consumers who were charged more than one non-sufficient funds fee for the same bounced check or rejected autopayment.
What’s Going On?
Attorneys working with have reason to believe that some banks may be illegally charging multiple non-sufficient funds fees on checks and autopayments that are declined again after being reprocessed for payment. They’re now gathering customers who’ve had this happen to take legal action.
Which Banks Are Under Investigation?
The full list can be found below.
What You Can Do
If you were charged one or more insufficient funds fees for the same failed transaction by one of the banks under investigation, join others taking action by filling out the corresponding form.
What Am I Signing Up For, Exactly?
You’re signing up for what’s known as “mass arbitration,” which involves hundreds or thousands of consumers bringing individual arbitration claims against the same company at the same time and over the same issue. This is different from a class action lawsuit and takes place outside of court.
Does This Cost Anything?
It costs nothing to sign up, and the attorneys will only get paid if they win your claim.
What Could I Get From This?
Those who sign up for the mass arbitration could recover some of their unfair non-sufficient funds charges.

The information submitted on this page will be forwarded to Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman, PLLC who has sponsored this investigation.

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