Background Check Lawsuits

Last Updated on September 23, 2024

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At A Glance

This Alert Affects:
Anyone who was turned down for a job or an apartment because of an inaccuracy in their background check report.
What's Going On?
Attorneys working with are talking to these people to help them determine whether they can file lawsuits.
Who Can I Sue?
The company you applied to, the background check company or the tenant screening company.
What Can I Get from a Lawsuit?
You may be able to recover money for any harm you suffered as a result of the error (such as a lost deposit or job) or an award of up to $1,000. You may also be eligible for attorneys' fees and what's known as punitive damages, which are an additional amount of money awarded to the person filing the lawsuit and intended to serve as a punishment for the defendant.
How Much Does It Cost to Talk to a Lawyer?

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