Best Buy Assistant Managers Denied Overtime May Have Legal Recourse

Last Updated on June 26, 2017

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This Alert Affects
Best Buy assistant managers who were denied overtime pay after working more than 40 hours a week.
Best Buy assistant managers who were wrongfully denied overtime pay may be able to collect up to three years of back wages, an equal amount in liquidated damages, and attorneys' fees and costs.
Best Buy
Additional Details
Assistant managers are among the employees who are commonly subject to illegal overtime practices. Often, employees responsible for assisting customers, stocking shelves, or managing cash registers are given the title of "assistant manager," even though they are provided few managerial duties, and are thereby misclassified into a group of employees known as "executives" who are not eligible for overtime pay. As a result, they are denied the overtime pay to which they are entitled.
Assistant managers who were denied overtime pay may be able to recover unpaid overtime dating back two years, or three years if their employer's violations were willful.